How to get to the mascletà in Metrovalencia: Discover all metro lines that take you to the mascletà

Find out how to get to Valencia City Hall Square by metro to see the mascletà

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
February 24, 2024

Getting to the mascletà by metro is undoubtedly one of the best options. Below we tell you how to get there with the different lines that the city puts at your disposal.

How to get to the mascletà by metro

Metrovalencia allows you to get to the mascletà for only €1.5 if you buy a single ticket or with reduced prices if you buy a card SUMA . Remember that if you are under 30 years old you can travel for free, check how here!

Below we leave you the lines and stops that will bring you closer to the mascletaes of this year 2024:

  • Line 3 (Rafelbunyol): Stop in Xátiva
  • Line 5 (Marítim-Serrería): Stop in Xátiva
  • Line 7 (Marítim-Torrent Avinguda): Stop in Bailén
  • Line 9 (Riba-Roja De Túria): Stop in Xátiva

Other lines that you can take that will leave you near the station are the following:

  • Line 1 (Torrent): Stop at Pl. Espanya
  • Line 2 (Torrent Avinguda): Stop at Pl. Espanya
  • New Line 10 (Alacant-Natzaret): Stop in Alacant

Please note that from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., access to the Colón and Xátiva stations will be temporarily closed in order to avoid crowds that may represent a risk and thus enjoy the traditional mascletaes.

We remind you that you can download Miivo to have all the transport information with just one click on your mobile.

Miivo recommendations to see the Mascletà

From Miivo we recommend that you walk to the mascletà to enjoy the Fallas atmosphere that is breathed during the Fallas through the streets of Valencia.

On the other hand, if you are very far away we also recommend options such as Yego, Cooltra and Acciona, with which you can avoid searching for parking, arriving in record time and without complications. You can check where all these motorcycles are at the same time in Miivo, and remember that during the breakdowns there will be parking restrictions so make sure before starting your trip.

motos-en la Estación del Norte