Bus ticket price in Valencia - Discounts continue

Yesterday, 29th June, EMT Valencia announced that they have decided to extend the 50% discount on all their bus tickets for the next six months. Keep reading to know all about these discounts.

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
June 30, 2023

Yesterday, 29th June, EMT Valencia announced that they have decided to extend the 50% discount on all their bus tickets for the next six months. This measure has been made possible thanks to the Government's subsidies for public transport that continue in the line of making sustainable mobility more affordable.

The continuation of this discount is great news for those of you who use the service, as you will be able to benefit from more affordable fares when using the EMT Valencia service. In addition, this initiative encourages the use of public transport, thus promoting sustainable mobility and contributing to the reduction of traffic congestion in the city.

EMT Valencia bus pass price 2023

During this period, you can take advantage of a special offer on the ten-trip bus ticket. For only 4.25€, instead of the usual price of 8.50€, you can purchase this pass and enjoy a significant discount on your bus journeys in Valencia.

bus cards

In addition, those who require the personalised ten-trip bus ticket, aimed at large families and single-parent families, will also benefit from reduced prices. The general category pass will drop from 6.80€ to just 3.40€, while the special category pass will be reduced from 4.25€ to 2.15€.

How long will the EMT Valencia discounts last?

The Governing Board reached an agreement this Friday to extend the public transport subsidies which were due to expire on 30 June. This measure will be in force from 1 July until 31 December 2023, guaranteeing the continuity of the benefits for users for an additional period.

However, it is important to remember that this announcement does not affect the measure of free public transport for under-30s , which was originally scheduled to run until 31 July 2023 and has not been extended for the time being. Therefore, the SUMA Card will continue with the same discounts but it remains to be seen whether this will last until the end of July or whether the measure will be extended until the end of the year.