Metrovalencia: 2024 Schedules

Know the schedules of the different Metrovalencia lines and tips to get around Valencia your way.

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
January 24, 2024

Metrovalencia schedules

If you didn't already know, Metrovalencia has 10 metro lines, which will allow you to reach (almost) all points in Valencia and surrounding cities.

If you are looking to get around Valencia by metro, you should know that on weekdays the usual schedule runs from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., while on Sundays it starts at 7:00 a.m. However, on Fridays, Saturdays and the eve of holidays, the hours are extended on some lines until 3:00 in the morning.

How to check Metrovalencia schedules

If you want to get around Valencia in a cheap and sustainable way, public transport will be your best ally. To check the Metrovalencia schedules, you can do so through the official Metrovalencia website or download Miivo, where you can also see other alternatives that take you to your destination,


Metrovalencia schedules by lines

If what you are looking for is to know the schedules of a particular line, below we leave you specific links for each of the Metrovalencia lines:

Metrovalencia Map

Finally, we leave you the Metrovalencia map below with all the lines and stations. We recommend download Miivo to have all this information just one click away on your mobile.
