Last Tuesday, November 22, the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, announced that buses in the State concession network would become free from 2023.
This measure affects all the long-distance lines that connect different cities in Spain, continuing with the intention of encouraging the use of public transport.
Which buses will be free in Spain?
As we mentioned in the introduction, this measure will only affect buses in the State concession network. With this in mind, the journeys that will be free from 2023 will be:
- Alicante - Cartagena - Murcia
- Alicante - Murcia, with Hijuelas
- Almeria and Cartagena (Murcia)
- Barcelona - Huesca
- Burgos - Poza de la Sal - Frias - Briviesca - Padrons and Logronyo
- Ferrol (A Coruña) - Algeciras (Cádiz)
- Fraga, Binèfar, Mequinensa (Huska) and Lleida
- Huesca - Lleida, with Hijuelas
- Irun - Madrid
- Irun and Tuy, with Hijuelas Madrid - Alicante
- Lleida and Molina d'Aragó, via Zaragoza, with Hijuelas
- Logroño - Soria - Madrid with Hijuelas
- Madrid - Almeria
- Madrid - Ibañez Houses - Les Lacunes de Ruidera
- Madrid - Font de l'Arc - Monesterio - Badalona, with Hijuelas
- Madrid - Granada - Almuñecar
- Madrid - Jaén, with Hijuelas
- Madrid - Jaraíz de la Vera
- Madrid - Leon - GijónSevilla - Salamanca - Irun
- Madrid - Miajadas - Don Benito
- Madrid - Piedrabuena - Ibañez houses - Les Llacunes de Ruidera, with Hijuelas
- Madrid - Salamanca - Vigo, with Hijuelas
- Madrid - Toledo
- Madrid - Zaorejas. (Guadalajara) and Sigüenza (Guadalajara)
- Madrid - Zaragoza - Barcelona, with Hijuela
- Madrid and Segovia with extension in Melgar de Fernamental (Burgos)
- Madrid and Toledo, via Valmojado, with Hijuela detour via Chozas de Canales
- Murcia - Seville, via Granada, with Hijuelas in Cartagena, Córdoba and Malaga
- Murcia - Valencia
- Murcia - Valencia - Viella and Lleida
- Murcia and Almeria - Madrid - Guadalajara
- Salamanca - Leon - Santander
- Santander - Bilbao - Barcelona with Hijuela
- Santiago de Compostela, Gijón, Irun and Barcelona
- Seville and Malaga, A Montgat and Manresa, with Hijuelas
- Soria - Zaragoza, with Hijuelas
- Tamarite de Llitera (Osca) - Lleida
- Teruel - Barcelona, with Hijuela in Casp
- Zaragoza and Castelló de la Plana, via Tarragona and Casp, with Hijuelas (ACU - 4/00).
Which bus tickets will be free?
As already happened in the case of RENFE local and medium-distance tickets, this new measure will be applied for passes of 10, 20 or 30 trips so that a recurrence of the use of the service is confirmed. Therefore, one-way one-way tickets will not be affected by this freebie and will continue to have the same price.
On the other hand, it is important to remember that this measure will not affect urban or intercity bus services, as may be the case with EMT Valencia or EMT Madrid, which will maintain their independence.
Which buses in the Valencian Community will be free?
Focusing on the Valencian Community, the bus lines that will be affected by this free charge will be:
- Alicante - Cartagena - Murcia
- Alicante - Murcia, with Hijuelas
- Murcia - Valencia
- Murcia - Valencia - Viella and Lleida
- Zaragoza and Castelló de la Plana, via Tarragona and Casp, with Hijuelas (ACU - 4/00).
Emphasize that urban or interurban services operating in the different towns of the Valencian Community will not be affected and will therefore have their own rates. In any case, services such as Metrobus or EMT Valencia will continue with the 50% reduction of their price integrated into the SUMA Card.
Consult all the information about the buses of the Valencian Community in our app