Valenbisi Valencia: map, stations and prices 2024

Thanks to this article, discover all the details about Valenbisi, how to consult the map, how to obtain the different passes and know what their prices are.

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
January 2, 2024

How does Valenbisi work?

Valenbisi is the public bicycle rental service located in Valencia. By signing up and paying the subscription, we can easily access a bicycle at any of its many stations in Valencia.


Valenbisi map and stations

The Valenbisi service has more than 2,750 bicycles and 276 stations distributed throughout the city. Depending on where you are in Valencia, there will be more or fewer stations near you.

To avoid being left without your bike or space to leave it, we recommend you download Miivo to always have them under control.


Valenbisi prices and subscriptions

Valenbisi offers two types of passes: a long-term one for residents and a short-term one for tourists or occasional visitors. Below you can see the different rates:

  • Short-term subscription: For €13.3, you will have access to the Valenbisi service for 7 days. The first 30 minutes are free, then a rate of €1.04 for the first hour and €3.12 for each additional hour will apply.
  • Long-term passes: For adults and minors between 14 and 17 years old (with authorization from parents or guardians), the price is €29.21. The first 30 minutes are free and then a fee of €0.52 for the first hour and €2.08 for each additional hour will apply.
  • Closer Subscription - Unemployed: If you are over 35 years old and have been unemployed for more than 7 months, you can subscribe for 20 euros.
  • Subscription for people over 55 years old: For €24, people over 55 years old can subscribe to Valenbisi and enjoy the first 30 minutes free.
  • Subscription for companies: Organizations and associations in Valencia can subscribe for €26 per year to promote sustainable mobility.

How to start using Valenbisi?

Register and rent a bike: Create an account on the website or mobile app and choose the subscription that best suits your needs, whether short or long term.

Check and select your Valenbisi: Before taking a bike, check the reviews of previous users in the app or at the station itself. Be sure to check the fit of the saddle, the condition of the pedals and basket, the operation of the bell, the brakes, the lights, and the condition of the frame and tires.

Grab your Valenbisi: In the mobile app, select "rent a Valenbisi" and choose the bike. You have 60 seconds to unlock the selected bike.

Can't find a Valenbisi at the station? You can view a list of nearby stations with addresses and the number of bikes available at each one through the Valenbisi app or in [Miivo](https://onelink .to/5j3gsk) along with all other transportation options.

Tips for using Valenbisi

We provide you with some important tips so that you can use Valenbisi safely:

  • To avoid head injuries, it is recommended that you wear a helmet at all times, although it is not mandatory when driving around the city.
  • Before renting a bicycle, verify that it is in good condition. Be sure to check the brakes, wheels, and seat.
  • Finally, don't forget to lock your bike at a Valenbisi station when you are not using it, to avoid theft or fines.


Alternatives to Valenbisi

There are several alternative mobility options to cycling in Valencia, some of which are:

  • Acciona, Yego or Cooltra: These are the three companies that offer a motosharing service that allows you to rent electric motorcycles by the minute or by the hour. With Miivo you can locate and reserve all the motorcycles available in the city. The user only has to unlock the motorcycle with the app, use it and park it in a suitable place.

  • Metro and buses: Valencia's public transportation is a comfortable and economical option to get around the city. The Valencia metro has several lines that connect the city center with the peripheral neighborhoods and with nearby towns. EMT buses also cover most of the city, including the historic center and the most remote neighborhoods.

  • Taxis and VTC: taxis and transport vehicles with drivers (VTC) are also an option for getting around Valencia. Taxis can be hailed on the street or ordered by phone or via Miivo. VTC companies such as Uber and Cabify also operate in Valencia.

  • Rental cars: if you need a vehicle to get around Valencia and its surroundings, you can rent a car from one of the car rental companies that operate in the city, such as Malco, one of our collaborators, which offers some of the lowest prices in the city.