Can I travel with my pet on public transport in Valencia? Tips and recommendations

In this article we will explain the best tips to be able to take your pet with you anywhere in Valencia using public transport.

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
January 20, 2023

Very often animal lovers find it very difficult to move around their city with them in a comfortable and practical way. For this reason, many are forced to always use the car to go to the vet or simply to move from one point to another.

However, this is often due to a lack of information about other sustainable mobility options for traveling with your pet. That is why in this article we will explain the best tips to be able to take it with you anywhere in Valencia using public transport.


Can I travel with my pet on EMT buses?

Since 2019, EMT Valencia passengers who have a pet can travel on urban buses in the city. However, there are some mandatory requirements to be able to travel with your pet:

  • Animals must travel in a carrier suitable for their size that does not exceed the size of 45cmx35cmx25cm.
  • The transporter must never occupy the place of a seat, always giving preference to people.
  • Under no circumstances will they pose a danger or inconvenience to the other passengers on the bus.
  • Pets must have an accredited card called EMT Pet with a single issue cost of €5 and a duration of up to 2 years.

To obtain this card, you must present the corresponding application form, the veterinarian's card that verifies the animal's condition, as well as a photo of the pet's passport that allows it to be easily identified. This procedure will have to be done at the Citizen Service Office, located at Carrer de Mendoza, 5, 46001 Valencia.

This measure represents a great advance for those people who, on a frequent basis, travel through Valencia with their pet, thus betting on a more economical, sustainable and accessible way of moving.


Can I travel with my pet in Metrovalencia?

In the case of Metrovalencia there is less regulation on journeys with a pet. In this regard, the only animals allowed are:

  • Assistance dogs for people with disabilities or with training instructors.
  • Dogs that accompany the security forces.
  • Small domestic animals in cages or carriers.

Although there may be cases where some people travel with their pets simply on a leash or even without it, this action is strictly prohibited at the risk of receiving penalties and even not being able to travel.


Can I travel with my pet on Renfe Rodalies?

Another way to move sustainably with your pet in Valencia is to use Renfe Rodalies. Animals are allowed on the train under the following conditions:

  • Only domestic pets (dogs, cats and birds) are allowed and can be kept on a leash or in a custom-made carrier
  • They travel for free with you and don't need a ticket.
  • Dogs must travel with a muzzle.
  • As a passenger you can only travel with a maximum of one pet.
  • There is no limitation for guide and assistance dogs traveling with people with mobility problems.

Renfe is betting on the reconciliation of passengers and companion animals on commuter trains to make it easier for pet lovers to travel in Valencia.


Can I travel with my pet on Metrobus?

Although there is no recent information on whether or not pets are allowed on Metrobus, the latest news explains that at the moment you cannot travel with your pet on the Metrobus line. However, the users of this service are increasingly asking for a similar regulation to be applied to other means of public transport that allow them to bet on sustainable mobility regardless of whether you travel alone or accompanied by your pet.


As you have seen throughout this explanatory article, public transport in Valencia has a clear intention to integrate pets into the way of moving around the city. In addition, with the aim of demonstrating that sustainable mobility and pets are complementary, at Miivo we are developing a new functionality so that when calculating the route you can know which means of transport are most suitable for journeys with pets.
