Check the timetables, frequency and stops of line 3 of Metrovalencia.
To check all the stops of any Metrovalencia line, we recommend installing Miivo, where you can see any transport in the city quickly and easily. However, we leave you below an image with all the stops of Metrovalencia line 3:
Metrovalencia line 3 operates from 04:52 to 22:59 from Monday to Thursday and has longer hours from Thursday to Sunday so you can enjoy more time during the weekend.
We remind you that with Miivo you will be able to consult all the Metrovalencia schedules to plan your trip well regardless of the time or place.
Day | Operating hours | Frequency* |
mon | 4:52 - 22:59 | 15 mins |
sea. | 4:52 - 22:59 | 15 mins |
thu. | 4:52 - 22:59 | 15 mins |
Wed. | 4:52 - 22:59 | 15 mins |
Fri. | 4:52 - 1:08 | 15 mins |
sat | 6:08 - 1:08 | 15 mins |
sun. | 07:28 - 23:08 | 15 mins |
* The frequency varies depending on the time and day.
The line originates from the old trenet route, which connected the Valencia - Pont de Fusta station with Rafelbunyol. The original layout ran on the surface from the Palmaret station in Alboraya to the Pont de Fusta station, along what is now Avenida de Alfauir. The San Lorenzo halt was also found in this section. Passengers coming from the Rafelbunyol line can reach the Pont de Fusta station by taking a free change with Metrovalencia line 4 at the Benimaclet station.
If you are from towns like Mislata, Museros and you are thinking of going to or from Valencia, without a doubt the best option is to opt for line 3.
If you are thinking of going on vacation and need to go to Valencia airport, we recommend you consult Miivo to see all the possible routes from your location. Thus, the cheapest and fastest option to get to the airport is the Metro, in particular lines 3, 5 and 9.