Check the timetables, frequency and stops of line 2 of Metrovalencia.
To check all the stops of any Metrovalencia line, we recommend installing Miivo, where you can see any transport in the city quickly and easily. Anyway, we leave you below an image with all the stops of Metrovalencia line 2:
Metrovalencia line 2 operates from 5:21 to 20:43 from Monday to Thursday and has longer hours from Thursday to Sunday so you can enjoy more time during weekend.
We remind you that with Miivo you will be able to consult all the Metrovalencia schedules to plan your trip well regardless of the time or place.
Day | Operating hours | Frequency* |
mon | 5:21 - 20:43 | 11 min |
sea. | 5:21 - 20:43 | 11 min |
Wed. | 5:21 - 20:43 | 11 min |
thu. | 5:21 - 20:43 | 11 min |
Fri. | 5:21 - 22:58 | 11 min |
sat | 0:05 - 23:06 | - |
sun. | 0:05 - 21:12 | - |
* The frequency varies depending on the time and day.
Line 2 of the underground transport system in Valencia has 33 stops and connects the towns of Llíria and Torrent. This line is the result of a fork that was separated from line 1 in 2015, and since then the Llíria-Empalme section became exclusive to line 2, while the branch to Torrent Avinguda began to be used by lines 2 and 7.
If you are from towns like Lliria, la Pobla de Vallbona, l'Eliana, Paiporta or Torrent and you are thinking of going to or from Valencia, without a doubt the best option is to opt for line 2.