50% discount on public transport in the Valencian Community in 2024: the discounts continues

Inclusive mobility, supported by the Valencian regional government, encourages the use of public transport as an affordable, safe and ecological alternative for urban and interurban trips.

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
December 19, 2023

In recent months, key benefits have been maintained to promote the use of regional public transport, allowing significant savings and reducing the environmental footprint.

Is the 50% discount on public transport still available in the Valencian Community?

The answer is yes, today, 19 December, the Plenary of the Consell has approved the decree law approving the extension of fare reductions on public transport services managed by the Generalitat for a period of six months in 2024. That is to say, the discounts of 50% of the price will be maintained at least until 31 July 2024.


Do I have to do anything to get the 50% discount on public transport in the Valencian Community?

No, this 50% discount on public transport in the Valencian Community will be applied automatically and therefore the different tickets can be bought directly at the official points of sale.

Which means of transport will have the 50% discount?

Bearing in mind that this is a measure promoted by the Generalitat Valenciana, the public transport affected will be:

To make the most of this measure, we remind you that in Miivo you can consult with a single click all the information of the means of public transport of the province of Valencia and enjoy to the maximum these months in which the 50% discount will continue to be applied.