How to get to the Valencia Fallas 2024

Discover the most convenient ways to get to Valencia for the 2024 Fallas by Train, Bus, Plane or Car

Adrià Aguado
Adrià Aguado
February 15, 2024

How to get to Valencia Fallas: All transportation options

Valencia has excellent transport connections that facilitate access from different points in Spain and abroad, among which you can choose:

  • Airplane: Valencia Airport offers regular flights from various Spanish and European cities. Once at the airport, our recommendation is to use the metro to get to the city center, although you can also take a taxi from the airport. We tell you more in this article.

  • Train: The Spanish railway network provides high-speed train (AVE) services from Renfe, Iryo and Ouigo, and other regional trains that connect Valencia with important cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Seville. The North Station is the main arrival point for long-distance trains, about which you can read more here!.

  • Bus: Several bus companies offer regular services to Valencia from different locations inside and outside Spain. We recommend you download Miivo to know all the Valencia bus schedules.

  • Car: This is the option that we least recommend due to the large number of closed streets in the city, but if you finally decide to come by car, we suggest parking far from the center and moving by public transport with Miivo.


Getting around Valencia in Fallas: Miivo Recommendation

Once in Valencia, it is essential to know all the transportation that the city offers you to get around quickly and forget about the car to fully enjoy the Fallas. In this sense, Miivo is a multimodal mobility platform in which we will allow you to consult and book different transport options, such as buses, metro, bicycles and motosharing services in a single app.

With Miivo you can plan your trips, access information in record time about public transport routes and schedules, and calculate the time and cost of your trips.

motos-en la Estación del Norte