Find out the schedules of the Renfe Cercanías Line C6 (València Nord - Castelló de la Plana), the prices and the map to move your way throughout Valencia.
To check all the stops on any Cercanías line, we recommend download Miivo, where you can see any transport in the city quickly and easily. However, we leave you below the list of all the stops of the Line C6 València Nord - Castelló de la Plana of Renfe Cercanías:
Valencia - Meliana - Albuixech - Massalfassar - El Puig - Puçol - Sagunto - Almenara - La Llosa - Xilxes - Moncofa - Nules - Les Alqueríes - Burriana - Vila-real - Almassora - Castellón de la Plana
The departure times of the València Nord - Castelló de la Plana Line vary depending on the day, so we recommend you install Miivo download Miivo or visit the [cercanías web] ( to be aware of any changes.
During the week the first train usually leaves Estació del Nord at 05:38 and the last at 22:30, and on weekends the departure time of the first train changes to 06:00 and the last departure time is maintained at 22:30.
The frequency of this line is quite low, reaching 7 hours between one train and the next, so we recommend download Miivo to know when the next train.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
€1.80 | €2.05 | €2.65 | €3.70 | €4.35 | €5.80 |
Check the map to find out which stop, station and line is yours. The zones 1 to 6 that you can see on the map will determine the prices of the tickets