Mission & vision


Miivo's mission is to change the way we move in cities towards a more sustainable and efficient model. To achieve this, we have created an app that allows our users to plan, compare, book and pay for any trip in their city regardless of the means of transport (metro, bicycle, bus, electric scooter, electric motorcycle, cab...).

On the other hand, to achieve this goal, in Miivo we have created our own gamification system that rewards our users simply for making trips with our app. In this way they can get rewards, prizes and discounts in many stores thanks to reduce their carbon footprint by changing their transportation habits.


Our vision is to be the reference app for sustainable mobility across Europe so that people in any city and any country can move in the best way for them at any time. In addition, Miivo has the ambition to not only transform mobility in cities but also how they are connected, allowing transportation between them in a much more sustainable and intelligent way.

Culture and values

At Miivo we are characterized mainly by 4 key points:

  • Youth: the average age of the team is 24 years old, which may tell you a little about why youth is the main characteristic of the team. However, we do not see this as a problem, but rather as an opportunity to build a group of people eager to transform the world.
  • Effort: although we see youth as an opportunity, our lack of experience can only be countered with a culture of effort above all other things. We like to have free time and we like to enjoy ourselves with the people we love, but when something has to be done, it is done, and that has allowed us to grow during all this time.
  • Flexibility: the balance between professional and personal life is the key to achieve the best possible performance and that is why at Miivo we are 100% committed to flexibility. Of course, always combined with effort. We have been working from 4 different countries with different schedules and different rhythms but we have moved forward. We talk and decide when to telecommute and when to be in the office. We review strategies and understand delays and mistakes but always with an eye on correcting and achieving our goal in the best way. The most important thing is to communicate with each other and to be able to decide at any given moment what we need to make things work well.
  • Responsibility: in Miivo we trust 100% in all team members to achieve our goal. We trust in the capabilities of each one of us, so we encourage learning by doing and the autonomy to make mistakes as well as to get it right. Of course, we can always count on our colleagues if we need help to keep growing.